Saturday, November 29, 2008


I really enjoy the idea of the spore and it reminds me of games I played when I was a kid. Incorporating evolution in the process and evolving the activities from there is a cool way to help motivate students to want to learn. This is valuable in terms of helping students become life long learners. Technology is resourceful in that aspect of education. I love wii and having the wii in my class will be so much fun!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Emerging Technology

I think that Spore is a very good way to integrate technology into the classrooms. I would incorporate Spore into a lesson in Science. I think this would be a great way for students to learn about electricity. The student could create electricity as the creature to find the many sources that need electricity. They could also set up colonies that the creature cannot pass through such as glass, plastic, and rubber. I think students would have fun with this as well as learn why electricity is important.
It is good to see that technology can be brought into the classroom especially since so many childen are into video games. Spore is one way the students can be creative and design their own learning tool.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hi All... welcome to the EDT 511 Emerging Technologies blog. We hope all of you have enjoyed all the different learning activities throughout this semester. We hope that you feel very resourceful in terms of using technology in your own classroom.

For this final discussion activity, we thought we can all blog about SPORE a gaming technology available out there today. For this assignment, you’ll put yourself in the role of the “tech savvy” teacher who has been asked to create a lesson proposal that focuses on creativity and technology integration.

1. Start here by watching Will Wright’s TED presentation.

2. Now view the video “The Science behind Spore”

3. You can download the free Creature Creator from Spore ( The Creature Creator is a small part of Spore but it will provide you with an opportunity to discover how the tools in the game function. Having some hands on time with the tool will provide you with some additional insight and enable you to think creatively about technology integration.

4. Now post your own ideas on this blog on how you can integrate SPORE into a lesson that you would like to teach in your classroom. Here are some sample ideas about the possible uses of Spore in the classroom at this Remote Access blog. Also, please comment on 2 of your peers postings.

I hope you all have fun integrating technology in your own classroom, and help your students enjoy the learning experience. Make it fun and exciting for your students.

We thought we should end this class with another fun and really exciting video of how Wii technology can be used in your own classrooms!!!

Good luck to all of you and Cheers!!