Friday, November 28, 2008

Emerging Technology

I think that Spore is a very good way to integrate technology into the classrooms. I would incorporate Spore into a lesson in Science. I think this would be a great way for students to learn about electricity. The student could create electricity as the creature to find the many sources that need electricity. They could also set up colonies that the creature cannot pass through such as glass, plastic, and rubber. I think students would have fun with this as well as learn why electricity is important.
It is good to see that technology can be brought into the classroom especially since so many childen are into video games. Spore is one way the students can be creative and design their own learning tool.


foxtroty said...

I think it is really cool you plan on incorporating this into your class. I liked playing with this game, and if I taught a science I would totally use it.

Brianne Sheets said...

I unfortunately could not get spore to work on my computer (I need a newer updated mac version) but after watching the thorough demonstration there seems to be a variety of ways spore could be incorporated into the classroom. The cool thing is that it could be used from the really young kiddos through high school. Depending on what standards for science you are trying to meet, it most likely can be touched with spore. I would like to play it a little before setting the kids free, because I just know they are more clever than I am with video games. It would be a learning experience for all!

Nichole said...

I think it offers a great opportunity for collaborative learning among students. With a little facilitation to guide students toward learning objectives SPORE has a lot of potential.

KristyK said...

You had some great ideas for using Spore in the classroom; I would never have thought of electricity! I agree that it would be great for Science uses and they'll also have fun while they're learning, everybody wins :)

Matt said...

The concept of teaching through Spore, the needs of social groups is wonderful. I really like the idea of learning about electricity and having the students come up with all the ways electricty may be utilized within a single group of people.